What Is Seattle Ranked In Dating?
/When dating, every city has its vibe. Some are teeming with social butterflies eager to meet someone new; others are chill or even difficult to date. So where does Seattle rank? If you're single and wondering what dating in the Emerald City is like, you might be surprised at where it ranks.
Seattle is typically placed in the top cities to date, but not necessarily at the top. Surveys and studies have placed Seattle in the middle or below other major U.S. cities. It has a massive population and lots of things to do, but others claim it is a little too complicated to date here.
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One of the biggest things you'll hear about dating in Seattle is something called the "Seattle Freeze." This is the idea that people in Seattle are nice on the surface but perhaps not quite so willing to open up and form closer connections right away. If you're in the city visiting or are trying to meet someone new, it can sometimes feel like people are a little standoffish or slow to warm up.
Another challenge is the weather in the city. So many rainy days and so long, dark winter months mean people don't want to venture out and socialize or meet someone new. Dating is more difficult this way than in other cities, where venturing out to socialize is more probable.
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The Many Reasons Why Seattle Can Still Be A Great Place For Singles Who Want To Meet Someone Special
While dating in Seattle can be challenging, all is not lost. Seattle is full of young professionals, artists, and technology industry professionals who provide some variety to the dating scene. If you're the outdoorsy type, Seattle is great for getting together with someone who shares your interests in walking, kayaking, or exploring the outdoors as much as you.
Seattle also has a growing number of social clubs, online groups, and dating events that bring people together. As a bonus, there are plenty of offbeat spots to bring a date, from cozy coffee houses and food trucks to scenic ferry rides and rooftop bars.
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Here are some tips that will help you find a better date if you're single in Seattle:
Do not wait. You shouldn't wait for other people to find you; you should go find them. Meeting people who like the same things you do can happen at events, in class, or by volunteering for something different.
Be careful when you use dating apps. Because so many people in Seattle use dating apps, it's important to be clear about what you want. Get to know them before you meet them in person.
Don't be scared of the "Seattle Freeze." People who live in Seattle aren't all cold. Getting together with someone and being friends with them can be great and last a long time.
See other parts of town. People who are dating are more likely to be out and about in places like Capitol Hill, Ballard, and Fremont.
Realizing That No Matter How Bad The Dating Scene Is In Seattle, It's Still Possible To Find Love There
Seattle is not the greatest place to go to get a date, but that does not mean you won't meet a great person. As with anywhere, it is what you do with it that makes your date a success. If you keep yourself open to it, venture out, and use the social aspect of the city, you could find Seattle is a better date than you might have imagined.