Was Seattle Called New York?

Seattle may be one of the most recognizable cities in the Pacific Northwest, but few people are aware that the city was once known by a very different name. The early history of Seattle holds a four-month period when the settlement was named "New York" something that surprises many who do not know its beginnings. Why this early name, and how and when it changed, offers a window into how the city was first seen and the people who made it so.

The Early Settlement That Led To Seattle Being Called New York And Its Historical Context

Before Seattle became the downtown it is now, the Duwamish and Suquamish peoples lived in the region. They had inhabited the region for thousands of years, living off what the abundant natural resources had to offer. But, in the 1850s, settlers from the East made their way into the area and began developing a community. Among those settlers were Arthur A. Denny and a group that would become known as the Denny Party, who would then help found what would become Seattle.

Why Early Settlers Chose The Name New York For The Area And What It Represented

When the Denny Party got here in 1851, they started out at Alki Point, now part of West Seattle. The settlers had big dreams for the new community, calling it “New York-Alki.” New York was a reference to the notorious city in the east, and the plans that the settlers had of creating a flourishing and prominent place. “Alki,” a Chinook word meaning “by and by” or “someday,” was added, signifying their belief that the area would eventually amount to something.

How The Name Changed From New York-Alki To Seattle And What Influenced This Decision

Settlers arriving in North America in pursuit of this grand vision could not help but contend with horrific conditions like poor weather, limited resources, and tensions with Indigenous people. Within a year most of the group voted to move in a more appropriate location along the eastern shore of Elliott Bay were downtown Seattle is today. The name New York-Alki gradually fell by the wayside as the settlement expanded. The settlers decided to name the area after Chief Si’ahl (better known as Chief Seattle), a dignified leader of the Duwamish and Suquamish tribes who had helped them rough out their early struggles.

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What Would Seattle Be Like Today If It Had Retained The Name New York-Alki?

If Seattle had kept its New York-Alki name, it might have caused a bit of confusion, since New York City is one of the most iconic places on earth. Businesses, branding, and identity would have had to contend with the unusual name, perhaps complicating efforts to establish its own distinct reputation in Seattle. The implication is that naming the city Seattle gave it its own identity that respects Indigenous history while embracing settler history.

The Importance Of A City’s Name In Shaping Its Identity And Growth Over Time

The story of Seattle’s name change shows just how important names are in defining a city’s identity. A name carries history, reflects the founders’ vision and shapes the way people imagine a place. The transition from New York-Alki to modern-day Seattle with regards to the portage which in Salish means “the portage” is more than just a name it is an embrace of both our settler and Indigenous heritage for a more inclusive narrative of our history.


The Connection Between Seattle’s Economic Growth And Its Historical Name Change

The decision to drop the New York-Alki name may have played a role in the later development of Seattle as a major economic and cultural hub. A strong, distinctive identity, good or bad  can help draw tourism, business and investment. Now Seattle has become a globally recognized hub for technology, the aeronautics industry and sustainability  evidence that its sense of self helped shape what its tomorrow would be.

vintage-style museum exhibit showcasing artifacts, maps, and photographs of the original 'New York-Alki' settlement.

The Role Of Historical Preservation In Keeping The Memory Of New York-Alki Alive

There’s no charter anymore that says New York-Alki, but we must keep the story. Local history societies, museums and educational programs carry along all of those stories for posterity and help kids understand where their city came from. Landmarks like Alki Beach preserve a living memory of the vision of early settlers as well as the Indigenous origins of the region.

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How Other Cities Have Experienced Similar Name Changes And What It Means For Their Identity

Seattle hasn’t been the only rebranded city in its early years. Typically, this points toward the reality that whoever these United States cities were named after didn’t represent, not just the essence of who these individuals were, but, the spirit of these people. So, for example, there was New York City, which was once New Amsterdam, where the British came and renamed it. These transformations emerge from changes in leadership, culture and other historical forces that, by their nature, help give definition to a place over generations.

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Why Seattle’s Decision To Change Its Name Was An Important Moment In Its Development

Consequently, the New York-Alki to Seattle transition was more than just a name change, it was the settlers’ switch in mindset and recognition of local Indigenous influence. At that time, those settlers named the city after Chief Seattle as a tribute to the assistance they received from the Native tribes and its role in their survival and in their expansion. This selection helped create a unique identity that shaped Seattle to differ from any other city.


How Seattle Continues To Honor Its History While Looking Toward The Future

So is Seattle, which is honoring history while looking to the future. Through museums, monuments and storytelling, the city celebrates its past: New York-Alki endures. At the same time, it has become a modern metropolis, home to some of the world’s largest corporations, including Amazon and Microsoft.

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The Lasting Legacy Of New York-Alki And Its Influence On The Seattle We Know Today

While the name New York-Alki has long been erased, its legacy lives on in the city’s history, landmarks and can-do spirit. Seattle has become a bustling city, informed by a diverse cultural heritage informed by Indigenous and settlers’ traditions. I said that you could not be Seattle, but you could appreciate the area it became, and where it was going, more deeply knowing the brief period when it was called New York.