Is Seattle The Rainiest City In The US?

Many people carry umbrellas everywhere in Seattle, which is known for being a gray, rainy city. A TV show or movie that was shot in Seattle? You might have then seen people who were wet, gray clouds, and places that were wet. Does it really rain more in Seattle than in any other place in the United States, or is that just an old wives' tale? Find out what the Seattle weather is really like!

Some Cities In The United States Actually Get More Rain Than Seattle Each Year Which Is Opposite To What Others Expect

Although Seattle does have a lot of rainy days, there are places that get a lot more rain! Cities like Mobile, Alabama, and New Orleans, Louisiana, get more inches of rain each year than Seattle. 

Is Seattle really that wet? There's no problem with the amount; the problem is with how often it happens. Heavy rain showers in the South can dump inches of water in just a few hours. In Seattle, the rain is light and stays put for a long time. Because of this, Seattle has a huge number of cloudy, rainy days, but it doesn't really rain as much as people think it does.

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Although It Rains And Clouds In Seattle The Majority Of The Time, The Rainfall Is Not Always Quite Intense

The fact that it rains so often is a big part of why people think Seattle is the rainiest city. Some 150 days a year, it rains in Seattle on average. With that much drizzle or light rain, it's almost half the year.

But on those days, rain isn't usually a big deal. Seattle usually doesn't have strong thunderstorms when it rains or mists. Although it's not raining, this makes the city feel bad and wet.

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The expert maid cleans the cabinet using an environmentally safe cleaner.

The Green And Fresh Appearance Of Seattle Can Be Attributed To The City's Geography And Climate

Seattle's light but regular rain is a big part of what makes the city's parks, trees, and gardens beautiful. The moderate climate and consistent moisture enable plants to thrive, which is why Seattle is often referred to as the "Emerald City."

With that much rain and moisture, no wonder that homes and businesses can become soiled. Professional cleaning companies are the solution of choice for most people in Seattle. From cleaning rain-streaked windows to keeping carpets clean in the wet climate, companies like Maria's Green Cleaning help keep homes immaculate even on the rainiest of days.

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The dining table is being cleaned by the trustworthy and dependable cleaner.

Get To Know If Seattle Is Truly The Rainiest City In The US, And Then The Answer May Surprise You

The truth is, that Seattle does receive a high quantity of rainy days, but it is not the rainiest city in America. Major Gulf and South Coast cities get more rainfall per year in inches. However, because Seattle receives so many rainy, cloudy days, it seems like one of the rainiest cities in America. The next time someone tells you that Seattle is the rainiest city, you can enlighten them to the reality. It is not the amount of rain that falls in Seattle—it is the number of times the rain actually falls!