Can I Pay Cash For A Taxi In Seattle?

There are many taxis in Seattle that can take people where they need to go. People still pay with cash for most of them, but how they get paid has changed over the years. Some drivers would rather use a card or an app to pay, and some might even refuse to take cash at all. You can avoid any last-minute surprises if you know how different taxi companies work and what to expect from drivers if you plan to pay with cash.

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Taxis In Seattle Still Take Cash, But There Are A Few Things You Should Know

There are still taxi drivers in Seattle who will take cash, but that doesn't mean all of them will. Some drivers would rather not be paid in cash, and some taxi services tend to favor digital transactions. Before getting in, ask the driver if you can carry cash. So, when you get to your destination, there won’t be any problems.


When It Comes To Payments, Not Every Seattle Taxi Company Works The Same Way

There are several taxi companies in Seattle, and they don't all have the same rules about how to pay. Both cash and credit cards can be used to pay for rides with Seattle Yellow Cab and Farwest Taxi, but some independent drivers may have their own rules. There are taxis at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport that take both cash and cards, but it's still a good idea to check before getting in.

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Digital Payments Are Becoming More Common But Cash Is Still An Option In Most Cases

In Seattle, more taxi drivers are accepting credit cards and mobile apps as ways to pay. Some people like using services like Curb or Flywheel where they can pay with an app. Many still take cash, but as people's payment habits change, fewer and fewer people carry cash with them. Don't forget to bring the right amount of cash if you want to pay with bills. Drivers may not always have change.


People In Seattle Have Changed How They Think About Paying For Rides, Thanks To Ride-Sharing Apps

Fewer people are paying for rides with cash these days since Uber and Lyft have taken over the transportation scene in Seattle. With these apps, you can pay with a card or digitally, so you don't have to worry about carrying around cash. The taxi business is changing to keep up with this change. Some taxi drivers will still take cash, but more and more of them would rather use cards or apps because it is safer and easier for them.

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It Can Be Helpful To Carry Cash, But The Best Way To Avoid Payment Problems Is To Plan Ahead

A good tip is to bring small bills because Seattle taxi drivers might not have a lot of change on them. It can save you time and trouble to call ahead or ask the driver before you start your ride. Taxis still take cash, but being ready makes the process go more smoothly.